DTrace Examples

Creating a DTrace Build

This requires a Python 3.6+ build with DTrace support which can be built from source. To create a release build in ~/tmp/Python-3.9.0/dtrace and a virtual environment using that build in ~/venvs/dtrace do the following:

cd ~/tmp
curl -o Python-3.9.0.tgz https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.9.0/Python-3.9.0.tgz
tar -xzf Python-3.9.0.tgz
cd Python-3.9.0
mkdir dtrace
cd dtrace
../configure --with-dtrace
./python.exe -m venv ~/venvs/dtrace

For a debug build that does not use pymalloc replace the configure line with, as appropriate:

../configure --with-dtrace --with-pydebug --without-pymalloc --with-valgrind


Since this bypasses Python’s small object allocator (pymalloc) then every malloc() and free() can be seen by DTrace. This makes the DTrace logs very large.

Checking if Python is DTrace Capable

From the commmand line:

$ python -m sysconfig | grep WITH_DTRACE
    WITH_DTRACE = "1"

In code:

if sysconfig.get_config_var('WITH_DTRACE') != 1:
    raise RuntimeError(f'Python at {sys.executable} must be build with DTrace support.')

These Python examples are in pymemtrace.examples.ex_dtrace

DTrace and C malloc() and free()

There is a D script toolkit/py_flow_malloc_free.d that traces all calls to malloc() and free(). It takes the following optional arguments:

Options for toolkit/py_flow_malloc_free.d D Script




Include the full path in Python filenames.


Include Python callstack when entering and exiting Python functions.

cMemLeak.CMalloc is a Python wrapper around a buffer directly allocated in C with malloc(). Here we create four of them and append them to a list then pop them of lowest index first:

from pymemtrace import cMemLeak

def create_cmalloc_list():
    input(f'Waiting to start tracing PID: {os.getpid()} (<cr> to continue):')
    l = []
    for i in range(4):
        block = cMemLeak.CMalloc(1477)
        print(f'Created CMalloc size={block.size:d} buffer=0x{block.buffer:x}')
    while len(l):
        # Remove in reverse order
        block = l.pop(0)
        print(f'Pop\'d CMalloc size={block.size:d} buffer=0x{block.buffer:x}')

Run this in one shell run this code:

$ python pymemtrace/examples/ex_dtrace.py

And in the other shell run DTrace (here assuming Python is running as PID 11672 from the first shell).

$ sudo dtrace -s toolkit/py_flow_malloc_free.d -p 11672 -C

The output of the first shell is:

Waiting to start tracing PID: 11672 (<cr> to continue):
Created CMalloc size=%d buffer=0x%s 1477 0x7fa8e6071400
Created CMalloc size=%d buffer=0x%s 1477 0x7fa8e6071a00
Created CMalloc size=%d buffer=0x%s 1477 0x7fa8e6821c00
Created CMalloc size=%d buffer=0x%s 1477 0x7fa8e681ec00
Pop'd CMalloc size=%d buffer=0x%s 1477 0x7fa8e6071400
Pop'd CMalloc size=%d buffer=0x%s 1477 0x7fa8e6071a00
Pop'd CMalloc size=%d buffer=0x%s 1477 0x7fa8e6821c00
Pop'd CMalloc size=%d buffer=0x%s 1477 0x7fa8e681ec00

And DTrace records:

$ sudo dtrace -s toolkit/py_flow_malloc_free.d -p 11672 -C
dtrace: system integrity protection is on, some features will not be available

 11672     ex_dtrace.py:48   -> create_cmalloc_list malloc(1477) pntr 0x7fa8e6071400
 11672     ex_dtrace.py:48   -> create_cmalloc_list malloc(1477) pntr 0x7fa8e6071a00
 11672     ex_dtrace.py:48   -> create_cmalloc_list malloc(1477) pntr 0x7fa8e6821c00
 11672     ex_dtrace.py:48   -> create_cmalloc_list malloc(1477) pntr 0x7fa8e681ec00
 11672     ex_dtrace.py:53   -> create_cmalloc_list free(0x7fa8e6071400)
 11672     ex_dtrace.py:53   -> create_cmalloc_list free(0x7fa8e6071a00)
 11672     ex_dtrace.py:53   -> create_cmalloc_list malloc(1) pntr 0x7fa8e5d20c10
 11672     ex_dtrace.py:53   -> create_cmalloc_list free(0x7fa8e6821c00)
 11672     ex_dtrace.py:55   -> create_cmalloc_list free(0x7fa8e5d20c10)

Python malloc byte distributions by engine caller:
   python`_PyObject_Realloc, total bytes = 608
           value  ------------- Distribution ------------- count
             256 |                                         0
             512 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 1
            1024 |                                         0

   python`_PyObject_Malloc, total bytes = 9264
           value  ------------- Distribution ------------- count
            2048 |                                         0
            4096 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 2
            8192 |                                         0

Python malloc byte distributions by Python file and function:

   ex_dtrace.py, create_cmalloc_list, bytes total = 5909
           value  ------------- Distribution ------------- count
               0 |                                         0
               1 |@@@@@@@@                                 1
               2 |                                         0
               4 |                                         0
               8 |                                         0
              16 |                                         0
              32 |                                         0
              64 |                                         0
             128 |                                         0
             256 |                                         0
             512 |                                         0
            1024 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@         4
            2048 |                                         0

Using PyMem_RawAlloc

cMemLeak.PyRawMalloc is a Python wrapper around a buffer directly allocated by Python in C with PyMem_RawAlloc. This bypasses the pymalloc small object buffer and allocates directly even for small objects. So this code creates four 128 bytes buffers:

def create_pyrawmalloc_list():
    l = []
    for i in range(4):
        block = cMemLeak.PyRawMalloc(128)
        print(f'Created PyRawMalloc size={block.size:d} buffer=0x{block.buffer:x}')
    while len(l):
        # Remove in reverse order
        block = l.pop(0)
        print(f'Pop\'d PyRawMalloc size={block.size:d} buffer=0x{block.buffer:x}')

Will be seen by DTrace even in release builds of Python:

 11879     ex_dtrace.py:61   -> create_pyrawmalloc_list malloc(128) pntr 0x7fa2ee42d0e0
 11879     ex_dtrace.py:61   -> create_pyrawmalloc_list malloc(128) pntr 0x7fa2ee414f50
 11879     ex_dtrace.py:61   -> create_pyrawmalloc_list malloc(128) pntr 0x7fa2ee4147f0
 11879     ex_dtrace.py:61   -> create_pyrawmalloc_list malloc(128) pntr 0x7fa2ee405ba0
 11879     ex_dtrace.py:66   -> create_pyrawmalloc_list free(0x7fa2ee42d0e0)
 11879     ex_dtrace.py:66   -> create_pyrawmalloc_list free(0x7fa2ee414f50)
 11879     ex_dtrace.py:66   -> create_pyrawmalloc_list malloc(1) pntr 0x7fa2ee42ce20
 11879     ex_dtrace.py:66   -> create_pyrawmalloc_list free(0x7fa2ee4147f0)
 11879     ex_dtrace.py:68   -> create_pyrawmalloc_list free(0x7fa2ee42ce20)

Using PyMem_Alloc

cMemLeak.PyMalloc is a Python wrapper around a buffer allocated by Python with PyMem_Alloc. This may or may not be allocateds by the pymalloc small object buffer depending on its size. So this code that creates 128 bytes buffers:

def create_pymalloc_list():
    l = []
    for i in range(4):
        block = cMemLeak.PyMalloc(128)
        print(f'Created PyMalloc size={block.size:d} buffer=0x{block.buffer:x}')
    while len(l):
        # Remove in reverse order
        block = l.pop(0)
        print(f'Pop\'d PyMalloc size={block.size:d} buffer=0x{block.buffer:x}')
Waiting to start tracing PID: 12135 (<cr> to continue):
Created PyMalloc size=128 buffer=0x1015e3930
Created PyMalloc size=128 buffer=0x1015e36b0
Created PyMalloc size=128 buffer=0x1015e3eb0
Created PyMalloc size=128 buffer=0x1015e3f30
Pop'd PyMalloc size=128 buffer=0x1015e3930
Pop'd PyMalloc size=128 buffer=0x1015e36b0
Pop'd PyMalloc size=128 buffer=0x1015e3eb0
Pop'd PyMalloc size=128 buffer=0x1015e3f30

These allocations will be not be seen by DTrace in release builds of Python:

$ sudo dtrace -s toolkit/py_flow_malloc_free.d -p 12135 -C
dtrace: system integrity protection is on, some features will not be available

 12135     ex_dtrace.py:79   -> create_pymalloc_list malloc(1) pntr 0x7fcd2b624120
 12135     ex_dtrace.py:81   -> create_pymalloc_list free(0x7fcd2b624120)

Python malloc byte distributions by engine caller:
   python`_PyObject_Realloc, total bytes = 608
           value  ------------- Distribution ------------- count
             256 |                                         0
             512 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 1
            1024 |                                         0

   python`_PyObject_Malloc, total bytes = 9264
           value  ------------- Distribution ------------- count
            2048 |                                         0
            4096 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 2
            8192 |                                         0

Python malloc byte distributions by Python file and function:

   ex_dtrace.py, create_pymalloc_list, bytes total = 1
           value  ------------- Distribution ------------- count
               0 |                                         0
               1 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 1
               2 |                                         0

If we change the allocation size to >512 then pymalloc is skipped:

block = cMemLeak.PyMalloc(767)

And these are then observed by DTrace:

$ sudo dtrace -s toolkit/py_flow_malloc_free.d -p 12263 -C
dtrace: system integrity protection is on, some features will not be available

 12263     ex_dtrace.py:74   -> create_pymalloc_list malloc(767) pntr 0x7fb8df50e490
 12263     ex_dtrace.py:74   -> create_pymalloc_list malloc(767) pntr 0x7fb8df50e790
 12263     ex_dtrace.py:74   -> create_pymalloc_list malloc(767) pntr 0x7fb8df50ea90
 12263     ex_dtrace.py:74   -> create_pymalloc_list malloc(767) pntr 0x7fb8df50ed90
 12263     ex_dtrace.py:79   -> create_pymalloc_list free(0x7fb8df50e490)
 12263     ex_dtrace.py:79   -> create_pymalloc_list free(0x7fb8df50e790)
 12263     ex_dtrace.py:79   -> create_pymalloc_list malloc(1) pntr 0x7fb8df500120
 12263     ex_dtrace.py:79   -> create_pymalloc_list free(0x7fb8df50ea90)
 12263     ex_dtrace.py:81   -> create_pymalloc_list free(0x7fb8df500120)

Python malloc byte distributions by engine caller:
   python`_PyObject_Realloc, total bytes = 608
           value  ------------- Distribution ------------- count
             256 |                                         0
             512 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 1
            1024 |                                         0

   python`_PyObject_Malloc, total bytes = 9264
           value  ------------- Distribution ------------- count
            2048 |                                         0
            4096 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 2
            8192 |                                         0

Python malloc byte distributions by Python file and function:

   ex_dtrace.py, create_pymalloc_list, bytes total = 3069
           value  ------------- Distribution ------------- count
               0 |                                         0
               1 |@@@@@@@@                                 1
               2 |                                         0
               4 |                                         0
               8 |                                         0
              16 |                                         0
              32 |                                         0
              64 |                                         0
             128 |                                         0
             256 |                                         0
             512 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@         4
            1024 |                                         0

Using PyMem_Alloc on Small Objects with a Debug Build of Python

If you have a debug version of Python that avoids using pymalloc the DTrace output will record every malloc, however small. Here we use a very noticeable block size block = cMemLeak.PyMalloc(177). Although we are requesting a block of 177 bytes because of the Python build configuration the memory request is padded with 24 bytes of metadata so we are looking for allocations of 201 bytes. Here is the output, edited and truncated.

$ sudo dtrace -s toolkit/py_flow_malloc_free.d -p 15114 -C
dtrace: system integrity protection is on, some features will not be available

 15114     ex_dtrace.py:114  -> main malloc(488) pntr 0x7f7fa4125680
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:74   -> create_pymalloc_list malloc(72) pntr 0x7f7fa1e4f5d0
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:74   -> create_pymalloc_list malloc(72) pntr 0x7f7fa1e578b0
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:74   -> create_pymalloc_list free(0x7f7fa1e4f5d0)
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:75   -> create_pymalloc_list malloc(56) pntr 0x7f7fa1e4f670
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:75   -> create_pymalloc_list malloc(201) pntr 0x7f7fa1e54f80
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:76   -> create_pymalloc_list malloc(96) pntr 0x7f7fa1e4f720
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:76   -> create_pymalloc_list malloc(56) pntr 0x7f7fa1d1ba20
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:76   -> create_pymalloc_list malloc(76) pntr 0x7f7fa1d1d0e0
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:76   -> create_pymalloc_list free(0x7f7fa1d1ba20)
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:76   -> create_pymalloc_list free(0x7f7fa1e4f720)
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:76   -> create_pymalloc_list malloc(56) pntr 0x7f7fa1e4f5d0
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:76   -> create_pymalloc_list malloc(96) pntr 0x7f7fa1e4f720
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:76   -> create_pymalloc_list malloc(85) pntr 0x7f7fa1e57c30
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:76   -> create_pymalloc_list free(0x7f7fa1e4f720)
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:76   -> create_pymalloc_list free(0x7f7fa1e4f5d0)
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:76   -> create_pymalloc_list malloc(120) pntr 0x7f7fa42aea90
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:76   -> create_pymalloc_list free(0x7f7fa1e57c30)
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:76   -> create_pymalloc_list free(0x7f7fa1d1d0e0)
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:76   -> create_pymalloc_list malloc(96) pntr 0x7f7fa1cc22d0
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:76   -> create_pymalloc_list free(0x7f7fa1cc22d0)
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:76   -> create_pymalloc_list malloc(96) pntr 0x7f7fa1cc22d0
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:76   -> create_pymalloc_list malloc(105) pntr 0x7f7fa42aeb10
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:76   -> create_pymalloc_list free(0x7f7fa428de20)
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:76   -> create_pymalloc_list free(0x7f7fa42aeb10)
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:76   -> create_pymalloc_list malloc(152) pntr 0x7f7fa429d240
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:76   -> create_pymalloc_list malloc(208) pntr 0x7f7fa42b0060
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:76   -> create_pymalloc_list free(0x7f7fa429d240)
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:76   -> create_pymalloc_list free(0x7f7fa42b0060)
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:76   -> create_pymalloc_list free(0x7f7fa1cc22d0)
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:76   -> create_pymalloc_list free(0x7f7fa42aea90)
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:77   -> create_pymalloc_list malloc(56) pntr 0x7f7fa429a590
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:75   -> create_pymalloc_list malloc(56) pntr 0x7f7fa428e120
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:75   -> create_pymalloc_list malloc(201) pntr 0x7f7fa429d240
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:81   -> create_pymalloc_list free(0x7f7fa4123c80)
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:81   -> create_pymalloc_list free(0x7f7fa41209c0)
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:81   -> create_pymalloc_list free(0x7f7fa4116bd0)
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:81   -> create_pymalloc_list free(0x7f7fa4120b30)
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:80   -> create_pymalloc_list free(0x7f7fa4125870)
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:80   -> create_pymalloc_list free(0x7f7fa4120750)
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:81   -> create_pymalloc_list malloc(96) pntr 0x7f7fa4116bd0
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:81   -> create_pymalloc_list malloc(56) pntr 0x7f7fa4120750
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:81   -> create_pymalloc_list malloc(76) pntr 0x7f7fa41220b0
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:81   -> create_pymalloc_list free(0x7f7fa4120750)
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:81   -> create_pymalloc_list free(0x7f7fa4116bd0)
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:81   -> create_pymalloc_list malloc(56) pntr 0x7f7fa4120750
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:81   -> create_pymalloc_list malloc(96) pntr 0x7f7fa4116bd0
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:81   -> create_pymalloc_list malloc(85) pntr 0x7f7fa4120b30
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:81   -> create_pymalloc_list free(0x7f7fa4116bd0)
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:81   -> create_pymalloc_list free(0x7f7fa4120750)
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:81   -> create_pymalloc_list malloc(118) pntr 0x7f7fa4123c80
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:81   -> create_pymalloc_list free(0x7f7fa4120b30)
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:81   -> create_pymalloc_list free(0x7f7fa41220b0)
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:81   -> create_pymalloc_list malloc(96) pntr 0x7f7fa4116bd0
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:81   -> create_pymalloc_list free(0x7f7fa4116bd0)
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:81   -> create_pymalloc_list malloc(96) pntr 0x7f7fa4116bd0
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:81   -> create_pymalloc_list malloc(103) pntr 0x7f7fa41220b0
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:81   -> create_pymalloc_list free(0x7f7fa411f540)
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:81   -> create_pymalloc_list free(0x7f7fa41220b0)
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:81   -> create_pymalloc_list malloc(152) pntr 0x7f7fa4120b30
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:81   -> create_pymalloc_list malloc(208) pntr 0x7f7fa4125870
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:81   -> create_pymalloc_list free(0x7f7fa4120b30)
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:81   -> create_pymalloc_list free(0x7f7fa4125870)
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:81   -> create_pymalloc_list free(0x7f7fa4116bd0)
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:81   -> create_pymalloc_list free(0x7f7fa4123c80)
 15114     ex_dtrace.py:82   -> create_pymalloc_list free(0x7f7fa429a590)
 15114     threading.py:1406 -> _shutdown malloc(488) pntr 0x7f7fa42b0060
 15114     threading.py:985  -> _stop malloc(96) pntr 0x7f7fa42affa0
 15114     threading.py:985  -> _stop malloc(96) pntr 0x7f7fa1cc22d0
 15114     threading.py:985  -> _stop free(0x7f7fa42affa0)
 15114     threading.py:986  -> _stop free(0x7f7fa1cc22d0)
 15114     threading.py:1410 -> _shutdown malloc(96) pntr 0x7f7fa1cc22d0
 15114     threading.py:1410 -> _shutdown malloc(72) pntr 0x7f7fa1cbc970
 15114     threading.py:1410 -> _shutdown free(0x7f7fa1cc22d0)
 15114     threading.py:1410 -> _shutdown free(0x7f7fa1cbc970)
 15114     threading.py:1415 -> _shutdown malloc(96) pntr 0x7f7fa1cc22d0
 15114     threading.py:1415 -> _shutdown malloc(96) pntr 0x7f7fa42affa0
 15114     threading.py:1415 -> _shutdown free(0x7f7fa1cc22d0)
 15114     threading.py:1416 -> _shutdown malloc(80) pntr 0x7f7fa1cbc970
 15114     threading.py:1416 -> _shutdown malloc(88) pntr 0x7f7fa1cc22d0
 15114     threading.py:1416 -> _shutdown free(0x7f7fa1cc22d0)
 15114     threading.py:1417 -> _shutdown free(0x7f7fa42affa0)
 15114      __init__.py:2121 -> shutdown malloc(40) pntr 0x7f7fa428de20
 15114      __init__.py:2121 -> shutdown malloc(96) pntr 0x7f7fa42affa0
 15114      __init__.py:2121 -> shutdown malloc(72) pntr 0x7f7fa1cc22d0
 15114      __init__.py:2121 -> shutdown free(0x7f7fa42affa0)
 15114      __init__.py:1062 -> flush malloc(96) pntr 0x7f7fa42affa0
 15114      __init__.py:1062 -> flush free(0x7f7fa42affa0)
 15114      __init__.py:2130 -> shutdown malloc(472) pntr 0x7f7fa42b0530
 15114      __init__.py:1062 -> flush malloc(424) pntr 0x7f7fa42b0710
 15114      __init__.py:2121 -> shutdown free(0x7f7fa428de20)
 15114      __init__.py:2121 -> shutdown free(0x7f7fa1cc22d0)

Python malloc byte distributions by engine caller:
   python`_PyMem_RawMalloc, total bytes = 33041
           value  ------------- Distribution ------------- count
               8 |                                         0
              16 |                                         2
              32 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                   174
              64 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                        133
             128 |                                         2
             256 |                                         3
             512 |                                         1
            1024 |                                         0
            2048 |                                         0
            4096 |                                         2
            8192 |                                         0

Python malloc byte distributions by Python file and function:

   threading.py, _stop, bytes total = 192
           value  ------------- Distribution ------------- count
              32 |                                         0
              64 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 2
             128 |                                         0

   ex_dtrace.py, main, bytes total = 488
           value  ------------- Distribution ------------- count
             128 |                                         0
             256 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 1
             512 |                                         0

   __init__.py, flush, bytes total = 520
           value  ------------- Distribution ------------- count
              32 |                                         0
              64 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                     1
             128 |                                         0
             256 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                     1
             512 |                                         0

   __init__.py, shutdown, bytes total = 680
           value  ------------- Distribution ------------- count
              16 |                                         0
              32 |@@@@@@@@@@                               1
              64 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                     2
             128 |                                         0
             256 |@@@@@@@@@@                               1
             512 |                                         0

   threading.py, _shutdown, bytes total = 1016
           value  ------------- Distribution ------------- count
              32 |                                         0
              64 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@       6
             128 |                                         0
             256 |@@@@@@                                   1
             512 |                                         0

   ex_dtrace.py, create_pymalloc_list, bytes total = 11148
           value  ------------- Distribution ------------- count
              16 |                                         0
              32 |@@@@@@@@                                 21
              64 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                66
             128 |@@@@@@@                                  20
             256 |                                         0

DTrace and Python’s Object Allocator

There are two scripts provided for tracing Python’s Object Allocator depending on whether you are using a debug build of Python (--without-pymalloc) or a release version of Python.

DTrace and Python’s Object Allocator


With pymalloc?

Compiled With

Memory Functions in Objects/obmalloc.c

D Script for Tracing




_PyMem_RawMalloc, _PyMem_RawCalloc, _PyMem_RawRealloc, _PyMem_RawFree





_PyObject_Malloc, _PyObject_Calloc, _PyObject_Realloc, _PyObject_Free


Both of these D scripts have these options:

Options for toolkit/py_object_?_WITH_PYMALLOC.d D Scripts




Include the full path in Python filenames.


Include Python callstack when entering and exiting Python functions.

Given this Python code that appends four bytes objects to a list:

def create_py_array_list(size: int):
    l = []
    for i in range(4):
        block = b' ' * size
        print(f'Created {type(block)} size={len(block):d} buffer=0x{id(block):x}')
    while len(l):
        # Remove in reverse order
        block = l.pop(0)
        print(f'Pop\'d {type(block)} size={len(block):d} buffer=0x{id(block):x}')

def main():
    with_dtrace = sysconfig.get_config_var('WITH_DTRACE')
    if with_dtrace is None or with_dtrace != 1:
        raise RuntimeError(f'Python at {sys.executable} must be build with DTrace support.')
    print('Python at %s is configured with CONFIG_ARGS: %s', sys.executable, sysconfig.get_config_var('CONFIG_ARGS'))
    input(f'Waiting to start tracing PID: {os.getpid()} (<cr> to continue):')
    return 0

if __name__ == '__main__':

Debug Example

With a debug, DTrace aware version of Python this typically produces this output:

$ python pymemtrace/examples/ex_dtrace.py
Python at pyenvs/pymemtrace_Dtrace_3.9D_A/bin/python is configured with CONFIG_ARGS: '--with-pydebug' '--without-pymalloc' '--with-valgrind' '--with-dtrace' '--with-openssl=/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1'
Waiting to start tracing PID: 30273 (<cr> to continue):
Created <class 'bytes'> size=27 buffer=0x7f859ee67cf0
Created <class 'bytes'> size=27 buffer=0x7f859ee68300
Created <class 'bytes'> size=27 buffer=0x7f859ee67d50
Created <class 'bytes'> size=27 buffer=0x7f859ee681c0
Pop'd <class 'bytes'> size=27 buffer=0x7f859ee67cf0
Pop'd <class 'bytes'> size=27 buffer=0x7f859ee68300
Pop'd <class 'bytes'> size=27 buffer=0x7f859ee67d50
Pop'd <class 'bytes'> size=27 buffer=0x7f859ee681c0

Monitoring that with DTrace typically gives:

$ sudo dtrace -C -s toolkit/py_object_U_WITH_PYMALLOC.d -p 30273
dtrace: system integrity protection is on, some features will not be available

 30273     ex_dtrace.py:115  -> main _PyMem_RawMalloc(512) _PyMem_RawMalloc returns 0x7f859ee684b0
 30273     ex_dtrace.py:87   -> create_py_array_list _PyMem_RawMalloc(72) _PyMem_RawMalloc returns 0x7f859ee676e0
 30273     ex_dtrace.py:87   -> create_py_array_list _PyMem_RawMalloc(72) _PyMem_RawMalloc returns 0x7f859ee67730
 30273     ex_dtrace.py:87   -> create_py_array_list _PyMem_RawFree(0x7f859ee676e0)
 30273     ex_dtrace.py:88   -> create_py_array_list _PyMem_RawMalloc(84) _PyMem_RawMalloc returns 0x7f859ee67ce0
 30273     ex_dtrace.py:89   -> create_py_array_list _PyMem_RawMalloc(96) _PyMem_RawMalloc returns 0x7f859ee67d40
 30273     ex_dtrace.py:89   -> create_py_array_list _PyMem_RawMalloc(78) _PyMem_RawMalloc returns 0x7f859ee676e0
 30273     ex_dtrace.py:89   -> create_py_array_list _PyMem_RawMalloc(185) _PyMem_RawMalloc returns 0x7f859ee681b0
 30273     ex_dtrace.py:89   -> create_py_array_list _PyMem_RawMalloc(78) _PyMem_RawMalloc returns 0x7f859ee68270
 30273     ex_dtrace.py:89   -> create_py_array_list _PyMem_RawFree(0x7f859ee68270)
 30273     ex_dtrace.py:89   -> create_py_array_list _PyMem_RawRealloc(0x7f859ee681b0, 88) _PyMem_RawRealloc returns 0x7f859ee681b0
 30273     ex_dtrace.py:89   -> create_py_array_list _PyMem_RawFree(0x7f859ee676e0)
 30273     ex_dtrace.py:89   -> create_py_array_list _PyMem_RawFree(0x7f859ee67d40)
 30273     ex_dtrace.py:95   -> create_py_array_list _PyMem_RawFree(0x7f859ee16750)
 30273     threading.py:1406 -> _shutdown _PyMem_RawMalloc(488) _PyMem_RawMalloc returns 0x7f85a111d5c0
 30273     threading.py:985  -> _stop _PyMem_RawMalloc(96) _PyMem_RawMalloc returns 0x7f859ed9ada0
 30273     threading.py:985  -> _stop _PyMem_RawMalloc(96) _PyMem_RawMalloc returns 0x7f859ed7d8b0
 30273     threading.py:985  -> _stop _PyMem_RawFree(0x7f859ed9ada0)
 30273     threading.py:986  -> _stop _PyMem_RawFree(0x7f859ed7d8b0)
 30273     threading.py:1410 -> _shutdown _PyMem_RawMalloc(96) _PyMem_RawMalloc returns 0x7f859ed7d8b0
 30273     threading.py:1410 -> _shutdown _PyMem_RawMalloc(72) _PyMem_RawMalloc returns 0x7f85a11872d0
 30273     threading.py:1410 -> _shutdown _PyMem_RawFree(0x7f859ed7d8b0)
 30273     threading.py:1410 -> _shutdown _PyMem_RawFree(0x7f85a11872d0)
 30273     threading.py:1415 -> _shutdown _PyMem_RawMalloc(96) _PyMem_RawMalloc returns 0x7f859ed7d8b0
 30273     threading.py:1415 -> _shutdown _PyMem_RawMalloc(96) _PyMem_RawMalloc returns 0x7f859ed9ada0
 30273     threading.py:1415 -> _shutdown _PyMem_RawFree(0x7f859ed7d8b0)
 30273     threading.py:1416 -> _shutdown _PyMem_RawMalloc(80) _PyMem_RawMalloc returns 0x7f85a11872d0
 30273     threading.py:1416 -> _shutdown _PyMem_RawMalloc(88) _PyMem_RawMalloc returns 0x7f859ed7d8b0
 30273     threading.py:1416 -> _shutdown _PyMem_RawFree(0x7f859ed7d8b0)
 30273     threading.py:1417 -> _shutdown _PyMem_RawFree(0x7f859ed9ada0)
 30273      __init__.py:2121 -> shutdown _PyMem_RawMalloc(40) _PyMem_RawMalloc returns 0x7f85a112b5f0
 30273      __init__.py:2121 -> shutdown _PyMem_RawMalloc(96) _PyMem_RawMalloc returns 0x7f859ed9ada0
 30273      __init__.py:2121 -> shutdown _PyMem_RawMalloc(72) _PyMem_RawMalloc returns 0x7f859ed8cf50
 30273      __init__.py:2121 -> shutdown _PyMem_RawFree(0x7f859ed9ada0)
 30273      __init__.py:1062 -> flush _PyMem_RawMalloc(96) _PyMem_RawMalloc returns 0x7f859ed9ada0
 30273      __init__.py:1062 -> flush _PyMem_RawFree(0x7f859ed9ada0)
 30273      __init__.py:2130 -> shutdown _PyMem_RawMalloc(472) _PyMem_RawMalloc returns 0x7f85a111d840
 30273      __init__.py:1062 -> flush _PyMem_RawMalloc(424) _PyMem_RawMalloc returns 0x7f859ef24e50
 30273      __init__.py:2121 -> shutdown _PyMem_RawFree(0x7f85a112b5f0)
 30273      __init__.py:2121 -> shutdown _PyMem_RawFree(0x7f859ed8cf50)


Release Example

With a release, DTrace aware version of Python using pymalloc this typically produces this output:

$ python pymemtrace/examples/ex_dtrace.py
Python at pyenvs/pymemtrace_Dtrace_3.9R_A/bin/python is configured with CONFIG_ARGS: '--with-dtrace' '--with-openssl=/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1'
Waiting to start tracing PID: 30620 (<cr> to continue):
Created <class 'bytes'> size=27 buffer=0x103196c70
Created <class 'bytes'> size=27 buffer=0x103459270
Created <class 'bytes'> size=27 buffer=0x1034592b0
Created <class 'bytes'> size=27 buffer=0x103459fb0
Pop'd <class 'bytes'> size=27 buffer=0x103196c70
Pop'd <class 'bytes'> size=27 buffer=0x103459270
Pop'd <class 'bytes'> size=27 buffer=0x1034592b0
Pop'd <class 'bytes'> size=27 buffer=0x103459fb0

And DTrace gives:

$ sudo dtrace -C -s toolkit/py_object_D_WITH_PYMALLOC.d -p 30620
dtrace: system integrity protection is on, some features will not be available

 30620     ex_dtrace.py:115  -> main _PyObject_Malloc(488) _PyObject_Malloc returns 0x1033cebd0
 30620     ex_dtrace.py:87   -> create_py_array_list _PyObject_Malloc(48) _PyObject_Malloc returns 0x103429810
 30620     ex_dtrace.py:87   -> create_py_array_list _PyObject_Malloc(48) _PyObject_Malloc returns 0x103429870
 30620     ex_dtrace.py:87   -> create_py_array_list _PyObject_Free(0x103429810)
 30620     ex_dtrace.py:88   -> create_py_array_list _PyObject_Malloc(60) _PyObject_Malloc returns 0x103196c70
 30620     ex_dtrace.py:89   -> create_py_array_list _PyObject_Malloc(72) _PyObject_Malloc returns 0x103453df0
 30620     ex_dtrace.py:89   -> create_py_array_list _PyObject_Malloc(54) _PyObject_Malloc returns 0x103459f70
 30620     ex_dtrace.py:89   -> create_py_array_list _PyObject_Malloc(161) _PyObject_Malloc returns 0x1034583a0
 30620     ex_dtrace.py:89   -> create_py_array_list _PyObject_Malloc(54) _PyObject_Malloc returns 0x103459270
 30620     ex_dtrace.py:89   -> create_py_array_list _PyObject_Free(0x103459270)
 30620     ex_dtrace.py:89   -> create_py_array_list _PyObject_Realloc(0x1034583a0, 64)
 30620     ex_dtrace.py:89   -> create_py_array_list _PyObject_Free(0x1034583a0)
 30620     ex_dtrace.py:89   -> create_py_array_list _PyObject_Free(0x103459f70)
 30620     ex_dtrace.py:89   -> create_py_array_list _PyObject_Free(0x103453df0)
 30620     ex_dtrace.py:89   -> create_py_array_list _PyObject_Malloc(72) _PyObject_Malloc returns 0x103453df0
 30620     ex_dtrace.py:89   -> create_py_array_list _PyObject_Malloc(32) _PyObject_Malloc returns 0x1033d8b90
 30620     ex_dtrace.py:89   -> create_py_array_list _PyObject_Malloc(51) _PyObject_Malloc returns 0x103459f70
 30620     ex_dtrace.py:89   -> create_py_array_list _PyObject_Free(0x1033d8b90)
 30620     ex_dtrace.py:89   -> create_py_array_list _PyObject_Free(0x103453df0)
 30620     ex_dtrace.py:89   -> create_py_array_list _PyObject_Malloc(32) _PyObject_Malloc returns 0x1033d8b90
 30620     ex_dtrace.py:89   -> create_py_array_list _PyObject_Malloc(72) _PyObject_Malloc returns 0x103453df0
 30620     ex_dtrace.py:89   -> create_py_array_list _PyObject_Malloc(58) _PyObject_Malloc returns 0x1034592b0
 30620     ex_dtrace.py:89   -> create_py_array_list _PyObject_Free(0x103453df0)
 30620     ex_dtrace.py:89   -> create_py_array_list _PyObject_Free(0x1033d8b90)
 30620     ex_dtrace.py:89   -> create_py_array_list _PyObject_Malloc(99) _PyObject_Malloc returns 0x103421dc0
 30620     ex_dtrace.py:89   -> create_py_array_list _PyObject_Free(0x1034592b0)
 30620     ex_dtrace.py:89   -> create_py_array_list _PyObject_Free(0x103459f70)
 30620     ex_dtrace.py:89   -> create_py_array_list _PyObject_Free(0x103459270)
 30620     ex_dtrace.py:89   -> create_py_array_list _PyObject_Malloc(54) _PyObject_Malloc returns 0x103459270
 30620     ex_dtrace.py:89   -> create_py_array_list _PyObject_Free(0x103459270)
 30620     ex_dtrace.py:89   -> create_py_array_list _PyObject_Malloc(72) _PyObject_Malloc returns 0x103453df0
 30620     ex_dtrace.py:89   -> create_py_array_list _PyObject_Free(0x103453df0)
 30620     ex_dtrace.py:89   -> create_py_array_list _PyObject_Malloc(72) _PyObject_Malloc returns 0x103453df0
 30620     ex_dtrace.py:89   -> create_py_array_list _PyObject_Calloc(2, 8) _PyObject_Calloc returns 0x1030be590
 30620     ex_dtrace.py:89   -> create_py_array_list _PyObject_Malloc(84) _PyObject_Malloc returns 0x103432bd0
 30620     ex_dtrace.py:94   -> create_py_array_list _PyObject_Malloc(128) _PyObject_Malloc returns 0x103407930
 30620     ex_dtrace.py:94   -> create_py_array_list _PyObject_Malloc(184) _PyObject_Malloc returns 0x10331f330
 30620     ex_dtrace.py:94   -> create_py_array_list _PyObject_Free(0x103407930)
 30620     ex_dtrace.py:94   -> create_py_array_list _PyObject_Free(0x10331f330)
 30620     ex_dtrace.py:94   -> create_py_array_list _PyObject_Free(0x103453df0)
 30620     ex_dtrace.py:94   -> create_py_array_list _PyObject_Free(0x103421dc0)
 30620     ex_dtrace.py:95   -> create_py_array_list _PyObject_Free(0x7fcd8af1be10)
 30620     threading.py:1406 -> _shutdown _PyObject_Malloc(464) _PyObject_Malloc returns 0x10345ab10
 30620     threading.py:985  -> _stop _PyObject_Malloc(72) _PyObject_Malloc returns 0x10326e210
 30620     threading.py:985  -> _stop _PyObject_Malloc(72) _PyObject_Malloc returns 0x1033908f0
 30620     threading.py:985  -> _stop _PyObject_Free(0x10326e210)
 30620     threading.py:986  -> _stop _PyObject_Free(0x1033908f0)
 30620     threading.py:1410 -> _shutdown _PyObject_Malloc(72) _PyObject_Malloc returns 0x10326e210
 30620     threading.py:1410 -> _shutdown _PyObject_Malloc(48) _PyObject_Malloc returns 0x10337bae0
 30620     threading.py:1410 -> _shutdown _PyObject_Free(0x10326e210)
 30620     threading.py:1410 -> _shutdown _PyObject_Free(0x10337bae0)
 30620     threading.py:1415 -> _shutdown _PyObject_Malloc(72) _PyObject_Malloc returns 0x10326e210
 30620     threading.py:1415 -> _shutdown _PyObject_Malloc(72) _PyObject_Malloc returns 0x1033908f0
 30620     threading.py:1415 -> _shutdown _PyObject_Free(0x10326e210)
 30620     threading.py:1416 -> _shutdown _PyObject_Malloc(56) _PyObject_Malloc returns 0x10320a2b0
 30620     threading.py:1416 -> _shutdown _PyObject_Malloc(64) _PyObject_Malloc returns 0x1033920b0
 30620     threading.py:1416 -> _shutdown _PyObject_Free(0x1033920b0)
 30620     threading.py:1417 -> _shutdown _PyObject_Free(0x1033908f0)
 30620      __init__.py:2121 -> shutdown _PyObject_Malloc(16) _PyObject_Malloc returns 0x1030be590
 30620      __init__.py:2121 -> shutdown _PyObject_Malloc(72) _PyObject_Malloc returns 0x10326e210
 30620      __init__.py:2121 -> shutdown _PyObject_Malloc(48) _PyObject_Malloc returns 0x10340f120
 30620      __init__.py:2121 -> shutdown _PyObject_Free(0x10326e210)
 30620      __init__.py:1062 -> flush _PyObject_Malloc(72) _PyObject_Malloc returns 0x10326e210
 30620      __init__.py:1062 -> flush _PyObject_Free(0x10326e210)
 30620      __init__.py:2130 -> shutdown _PyObject_Malloc(448) _PyObject_Malloc returns 0x10345c1f0
 30620      __init__.py:1062 -> flush _PyObject_Malloc(400) _PyObject_Malloc returns 0x1033f9990
 30620      __init__.py:2121 -> shutdown _PyObject_Free(0x1030be590)
 30620      __init__.py:2121 -> shutdown _PyObject_Free(0x10340f120)


Further Analysis

There is a in-depth analysis of using DTrace on a real world application in a Technical Note on DTrace.